Sunday, June 19, 2005

June 19th

Happy Father's Day!!

The alarm goes off at 8:30am. We get up and shower. Andre picks us up at 9:45 and drives us to Mass. We recognize many people from last week. We have the same priest. We did not go up for communion. We decide after Mass the we'll give it a try next week. We get home from Mass at 11:15am. I convince Pat to lay down and take a quick nap before our visit. He picked up the cold I had last week and isn't feeling that great. Bob and Beth knock on the door at 12:15pm and we're off to the baby home.

The children are outside. My turn to get Molly. I take her out of the playpen and try to determine if she's been fed. From what I can gather she has not. The weekend caregivers are not as helpful as the ladies who are there during the week. I don't blame them. They each have a child on their lap that they're trying to feed. I set myself up and feed Molly. The beet mixture again today. She eats about half and starts putting up a fight. I decide she's done and take her out to wash her face. She is already dressed in pants, long sleeve flannel jacket and a hat. We depart. As I'm walking towards the building I realize that she is not wearing a diaper. I head back to her room and grab on of the ones we brought today. I see Pat leaving Aidan's room and tell him about the lack of diaper. He goes back and gets one as well. To the marble room. I put Molly's diaper on. Turns out that Aidan already had one on. We have another good day of playing. Molly and Aidan wrangle over a purse pack of kleenex. I video the event and Aidan become interested in the camera and makes his way over. The queen bee has her tissues. A little later I'm playing on the floor with Molly and detect an odor. Upon further investigation I realize that we have a situation on our hands. Luckily we have the spare diaper Pat got for Aidan. Beth hands my wet tissues as I remedy the matter. Daddy said he would have changed her but he was busy playing with his boy. We'll let him slide for now....
Luck was with us today. We decide to pack spare diapers in the future. After another good day we pack up and take the kids back to their rooms. Aidan goes down easily. Pat took Molly back and was instructed to put her in the playpen. We head back to the hotel.

Pat is still not feeling. He decides to take a nap before dinner. Bob, Beth, Dana and I hang out in Brian and Mary Ellen's room. Dana brought a few photo albums and shows us pictures of her family. We view pictures of Sabina (Brian and Mary Ellen's daughter) on their laptop and Bob hooks his camera up to the TV. After a few hours we decide its time for dinner. We settle on the Dom as its close. Six out of seven of us order the beef stroganoff. This is a Dom favorite and the best we've found in town so far. We drink a Baltika 7. We find out that Baltika brews varieties labeled 0-9. The 0 is non-alcoholic and 9 is the most potent. We get back to the hotel at 8:00pm. We write in our journals and read. Beth stops over. Dana called. She will meet us at 9:30am tomorrow and take us to Victory Park. Lights out at 11:30pm.


Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day Pat!!! With many more to come!

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day to Pat and happy anyday to Alli. I woke to a breakfast cooked by my kids, a joy that I'm sure you will enjoy too. Thanks so much for sharing. SOunds like you are having the time of your life.

Anonymous said...

Happy Daddy Day!

Darn right she's the queen bee. Show him who's boss, Molly!
Girl's will rule this family forever!!!

Girls rock!

Anonymous said...

Soooooooooooooo how does it feel to celebrate your first Father's Day, huh? You won't have too many quiet ones anymore! Boy's RULE unlike Megan said.

Craig the sweetest baseball player to ever walk this Earth NOt

Anonymous said...

Just kidding about the not part.