I have some exciting news....we now have high speed Internet access at home. We need not be ashamed by the fact that we have dial-up. YIPEEEE!! I also have a new wireless router thanks to my BIL Charle and a new Dell notebook that we purchased after Christmas. I'm wired and ready to go!! The DSL modem was installed on Monday and I setup the router on Tuesday. I had some techinical difficulties with the router and spent some time on the phone with support. Normally I love this kind of stuff. Digging in and solving a technical issue. Now with two toddlers time spent in this way has lost it's appeal. Very difficult to concentrate. Anyway, everything is in working order and I'm happy.
Molly and Aidan have been in there own rooms for about 3 weeks now. Molly is all settled in. She goes down easily and snores the night away. A different story for the boy. Dispite having all of his gear (two fleece blanckets, three stuffed dogs, a soft race car, two mini trucks, several books and some tissues) he is having some difficulty going to sleep at night. He cries when we leave his room for the night. This is something he hasn't done in a quite a while. A couple of nights he fell asleep with his body on the bed and his feet on the floor. We put him on the bed when we checked on him before going to bed. He does seems to be adjusting and the last few nights his protests have been brief. Naptime is a different story. He's realized that being in a bed means freedom. Fun and games. He likes to roam around the room and check things out. Most days he only does this for a while and then gets in bed to sleep. One afternoon I got Aidan up from his nap and found him sporting one of his sister's hot pink socks. Several other pairs were in his bed and several more were scattered around the room. All in all I think they're doing well with the change.
Below is Aidan's rendition of a choo choo train. Pretty good for a two year old don't you think? After watching his Uncle Charlie do it a few times he decided to try it himself.